Author Archives: Tom Svensson

1DX Mark II

I had the great honor to try out the new 1DX Mark II on a[read more]

Tim Flach!

One of the best talks I ever had on composition I had with Tim Flach.[read more]

Rare animal on film!


Interview with me about Canon  

Read my latest blog at Canon

Very welcome to read my latest blog at Canons page Click here

Orangutans used in prostitution!

Did you know that among other things not only used in tourist industry but also[read more]

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People can now make a difference by not buying Products with palm oil in them

This is an article from Swedish TVs news about the new marking I have made[read more]

Sweden’s most read news-today!

This article where I had the great honor to have photos and comments in was[read more]

Now you can meet me at Scandinavian Photo in dec.

I have had the great honor to be invited to the shops of Scandinavian Photo[read more]

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